Smart Thermostat

The Best Spot for a Smart Thermostat Installation in Las Vegas, NV

August 14, 2023

Where you install your thermostat can have a big impact on its efficiency and the overall comfort of your home. Here are the best spots to install a smart thermostat in Las Vegas, NV:

In the Living Room

Installing your thermostat in the living room is ideal because it can help maximize energy efficiency. Since this is typically a centrally located room, your thermostat will be able to accurately read temperatures from all areas of the house and adjust accordingly. Additionally, placing your thermostat in the living room can give you easy access when making adjustments or during maintenance.

Frequently Used Room

If you want to maximize comfort, consider placing your thermostat where you spend most of your time. Since this room will see more activity than other areas of the house, your thermostat will be able to gauge the temperature better, thus helping keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

The Right Height

Where you install your thermostat can also play a role in getting the most accurate reading. Ensure it’s not too high or low, as this can affect its accuracy. The ideal height is about five feet off the ground. An HVAC professional can help you find the ideal location and height for your smart thermostat installation.

On Interior Walls

If you have an interior wall, consider installing your thermostat there. Interior walls tend to be cooler because they’re inside your home, which can help reduce temperature fluctuations and ensure the device accurately reads your home’s temperature. However, ensure the thermostat is not too close to a heat source.

Installing a smart thermostat in the wrong spot can lead to problems like inconsistent temperatures and higher energy bills. Contact Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning for professional AC installation services and ensure your device is set up correctly.

Image provided by iStock

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