Enjoying Even Airflow

4 Ways to Boost Airflow and Comfort in Your Home

September 5, 2022

The airflow in your home is very important to how comfortable it feels and energy efficiency. It can have a disastrous effect on your HVAC system’s ability to operate optimally. Use these four tips to improve the flow or quality of air in your Henderson, NV, home:

Keep the Registers Open

Check each register and vent in your home to make sure it’s open. If it isn’t, the HVAC system may not have the power to spread conditioned air properly to the areas of the house that need it. This means keeping registers open even in rooms that you don’t think need cooling all the time.

Turn Ceiling Fans Counterclockwise

Redirect your ceiling fans so that they’re moving counterclockwise during the summer. A counterclockwise motion helps the fan circulate cool air throughout the house. Ceiling fans don’t cool the air themselves, but they’re a huge advantage when it comes to circulating the already-cooled air throughout the house.

Clean Your Ductwork and Filters

Have your ductwork cleaned and replace your air filters regularly. Doing both of these things ensures that your system will be clear from any particulate or debris that could block it. A clean HVAC system operates more efficiently and reliably.

Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance

Follow the maintenance schedule laid out for you in the factory warranty on your HVAC system. When you do, it guarantees the air conditioner will work as efficiently as possible. On top of voiding the warranty, not having regular maintenance done by a professional service technician can weaken the airflow in your house.

Call Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning today for help with your air conditioning system. We provide a variety of repair services to help you with this issue.

Image provided by iStock

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