hvac maintenance

Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips for North Las Vegas, NV Homeowners

April 16, 2021

North Las Vegas, NV, is a beautiful city that surpasses 100 degrees during the summer. You should schedule maintenance for your HVAC system during the spring. During this season, the weather is milder, so you won’t have to deal with the heat while the system is off. Here are a few HVAC maintenance tasks worth undertaking this spring.

Inspect the HVAC System Visually

One of the more important steps to take is just to take a look at your residential or commercial HVAC system. Make sure there’s no excess debris around the outdoor components and ensure that the system is level. Check out the condenser to see if you notice any signs of damage that may have occurred during the winter.

Get a Tune-Up

A tune-up is smart because it can increase the efficiency of your HVAC system. One of our licensed professionals will tighten electrical connections, lubricate parts, check for corrosion or rust and inspect your ductwork for potential leaks. All these steps are important to check during the spring. Various weather conditions can degrade the components of your HVAC system during the summer and winter months.

Call in the HVAC Pros

We have licensed HVAC professionals on our staff. A technician will check your filter for things like pet dander, pollen, dust and particulate matter. These can hinder the performance of your HVAC system and cause it to run less efficiently, which will cost you money and could cause performance issues down the line.

If you’re ready to schedule your spring maintenance, call Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning, where our team offers multiple services to extend the lifespan of your HVAC system. With our maintenance services, you can rest assured that your heating and cooling equipment is in good hands. Contact us today for more information.

Image provided by iStock

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