happy Couple Paying Bills on couch

3 Tips to Lower Your Utility Bills This Winter in Summerlin, NV

December 15, 2020

Utility bills have a tendency to increase during the winter months due to the drop in temperature. Your HVAC system will be expending more energy to keep your home at a comfortable temperature level. Here are a few tips you can use to lower your utility bills in Summerlin, NV.

1. Keep Your Home Insulated

You can lower your utility bills by keeping your home insulated and sealed up. There might be certain areas in your home that allow air to seep in from the outside, and this will affect your home’s temperature. By sealing up any area that’s leaking air, your HVAC system won’t have to expend more energy to keep your family warm.

2. Use Sunlight

By using the heat from the sun, you can decrease the amount of time you use your home’s heating system. Pay attention to when the sun is shining on your home. Open your windows and remove your curtains to allow the sun’s heat to naturally increase the temperature inside your home. You won’t need to run your furnace, which will lower your utility bills.

3. Dress Accordingly

Dress warmly, so you don’t need to run your HVAC system as much. Wear socks, put on long pants, and wear a jacket or a hoodie. You might even want to put on a hat or a beanie.

When you bundle up, you can set your thermostat to a lower temperature. This not only helps you save money on your monthly energy bills, but it could extend the life of your unit since it won’t be working as hard.

As the temperatures drop, many households are looking for ways to save money on their utility bills. Contact Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning to make sure your HVAC system is working efficiently enough to get your family through the winter season.

Image provided by iStock

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