Woman relaxing on couch under ductless unit

4 Reasons to Consider a Ductless Unit in North Las Vegas, NV

October 18, 2020

Ductless mini-splits have an indoor air handler and an outdoor compressor unit. They are highly energy-efficient for heating and cooling your home. Here are four reasons to consider a ductless unit for your home in North Las Vegas, NV.

1. Zoning Abilities

Ductless systems have multiple indoor units that you can use to customize your heating and cooling requirements for each room in your house. This ability to create heating zones helps to eliminate cold and hot spots in your home by distributing air evenly.

Ductless systems ensure that your AC is at its peak performance. This helps to reduce the negative impact on the environment by reducing your carbon footprint.

2. Flexibility

Ductless systems are a good option for homes that lack existing ductwork. This helps to save on the cost of installation and prevents ripping up walls for installation. You can also consider ductless systems for a home addition.

3. Improve Comfort

Ductless systems have a compact size and do not take up a lot of space in your home. This offers comfort and convenience and improves the aesthetic value of your home.

Ductless systems do not produce a lot of noise while they operate. This is because they have noise reduction technology that enables them to operate without producing loud noises. This may be especially helpful while sleeping at night.

4. Improve the Quality of Your Indoor Air

Ductless systems have advanced filtration processes that prevent air pollutants from entering your indoor air. Ductless systems can also dehumidify your indoor air, reducing the growth of biological pollutants.

Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning offers quality residential and commercial AC repair and replacement services. We offer the best services while solving challenging problems to guarantee complete satisfaction. Contact Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning today for your HVAC maintenance and installation services.

Image provided by iStock

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