Maximizing Heat Pump Efficiency

3 Tips for Maximizing Heat Pump Efficiency This Winter in Sun City, NV

November 29, 2021

After what seemed like an especially long summer, temperatures in Sun City, NV, are dropping fast. But now that you’re cranking up the thermostat, your heat pump is feeling the strain and your heating bills are rising. Here are three simple home heating tips that can make your heat pump last longer and help you shave a few bucks off your utility bills:

Schedule Heat Pump Maintenance

Performing regular maintenance and tuneups is the key to extending the life of your heat pump. And HVAC maintenance starts with keeping your air filters clean. Be sure to clean or replace your filters according to manufacturer recommendations, typically every three months.

Another way to maximize your heat pump performance is to maintain proper airflow to the unit. Outside the home, gently remove leaves, twigs and other debris that get sucked into the air vents, and keep the space around your heat pump clear of shrubs, trash and clutter. Inside your home, have our service technicians inspect, clean and properly seal your ductwork.

It’s also a good idea to schedule an inspection of your home’s heating and cooling systems twice a year. We often find and address minor issues before they turn into bigger, more expensive problems down the road.

Adjust Temperature Settings Efficiently

The way you use your thermostat can either save you money or raise your heating costs. Instead of cranking the thermostat up very high when you come home to a cold house, just set it to your desired temperature. That way you won’t forget about it and then have to turn it down later when you realize that the house is a little too warm.

Upgrading to a programmable smart thermostat can also save you some money. You can customize the temperature throughout the day and night for maximum efficiency.

Seal Air Leaks Around Your Home

Lastly, sealing air leaks in your home will also keep the warm air in and the cold air out. Use weatherstripping to seal gaps around doors and windows. And make sure your attic is properly insulated to keep warm air from escaping through the roof of your home.

To get your heat pump running efficiently this winter, contact Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule a routine inspection and tuneup. We’ll thoroughly check your whole system inside and out. In addition, we’ll make any adjustments needed to keep your Sun City, NV, home warm and cozy all winter long.

Image provided by iStock

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