Heating System

3 Ways to Reduce the Strain on Your Heating System

Overworked heating systems are more likely to break down unexpectedly. When frigid temperatures arrive in Parhump, NV, you want to do everything you can to help your heater do its job. Check out these three easy ways to reduce the strain on your heating system this winter and keep it running better for longer.

Let In the Natural Light

During the winter, you want to take advantage of sunny days to help heat your home. Open blinds or curtains in areas of your home that receive sunlight during the morning and afternoon hours. The sun naturally warms rooms and keeps your heating system from running too much. Close your blinds and curtains at night to retain as much of that heat as possible.

Change Your Filter

If you have a forced-air heating system, you’ll need to change the filter regularly. A filter clogged with dust, pet dander and other airborne debris affects airflow and forces heating systems to use more energy to keep your home comfortable. Our HVAC professionals recommend changing the filter every 30 days or the time indicated by the type of filter you use.

Schedule Prompt Heating Repairs

Waiting too long to repair a struggling furnace doesn’t do your heating system any good. Mechanical issues don’t always cause complete breakdowns but can affect how well the system operates. If the furnace isn’t producing adequate airflow or heating the home inconsistently, you want to address these problems immediately.

Timely repairs keep the system operating at its best. They also extend the system’s lifespan and make it cheaper to heat your home.

At Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning, we want you to enjoy many years of comfort from your heating system. And the best way to do this is to reduce strain on it. Call today to schedule repair or maintenance services to help your system perform its best.

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