Heat Pump

Why Won’t My Heat Pump in Summerlin, NV, Stay On?

November 19, 2022

Your heat pump should be able to heat your home in Summerlin, NV, after 10 or 15 minutes. In an hour, it should cycle two or three times, provided that your set point is in a reasonable range. A heat pump will only short-cycle if there’s something wrong with it. Read on to learn possible explanations.

Clogged Air Filter

Heat pumps can overheat and shut off prematurely as a safety precaution. One of the most common causes of overheating is a clogged filter. The build-up of dirt and debris forces the system to work harder to circulate air, generating excessive heat. Aim to change your heat pump’s filter every 30-90 days this heating season.

Refrigerant Leak

Your system may also overheat because there’s too little refrigerant available to bring heat into your home. If refrigerant levels are low, then you’re facing a leak somewhere in the piping.

Uncalibrated Thermostat

Thermostats control when and for how long your system runs. It could be that yours is mistakenly reading the indoor temperature as warmer than it is, in which case it would shut the heat pump off early. Professional maintenance usually covers thermostat calibration.

Oversized Heat Pump

Another possibility is that your current heat pump just doesn’t meet the needs of a home of your size. Maybe you added a room to your home, or the installer didn’t make the right calculations. Sizing your HVAC system is vital to efficient operation. You would need to schedule a professional evaluation and possibly a heating installation in this case.

A Family-Owned HVAC Company

If you live in Summerlin, NV, call Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning for maintenance so that your heat pump will keep you comfortable throughout the fall and winter. We’re so confident in what we do that we guarantee 100% customer satisfaction. Senior and military discounts are available.

Image provided by iStock

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