Heat Pump

Why Does My Heat Pump Run Nonstop in Summerlin, NV?

While variable-speed heat pumps run continuously to minimize energy consumption, single-stage systems operate in cycles. If you have a single-stage heat pump, it shouldn’t run all the time. Understanding why your HVAC system in Summerlin, NV, does this will help you know when it’s appropriate to schedule repairs.

It’s Too Hot or Cold

A heat pump doesn’t generate heat during the cold months. Instead, it moves heat from the outdoor environment into your house. Therefore, if it’s too cold outside, the system will need more time to absorb and move enough heat.

Also, the system will run for a longer time to eliminate heat from your home if it’s too hot outside. There’s nothing abnormal in either of these scenarios and should not cause concern.

You Own a Variable-Speed Heat Pump

Manufacturers design variable-speed heat pumps to maintain consistent temperatures while conserving energy. Therefore, the systems run continuously at lower speeds to ensure the temperatures don’t rise beyond or drop below certain levels.

Single-stage systems should run in cycles to deliver the desired indoor temperature. If your single-stage heat pump doesn’t turn off several times per hour, you should request a service technician to inspect it.

Clogged Air Filter

When the filter catches a lot of pollutants and remains unchanged, it cannot allow enough air to enter your heat pump, as the contaminants clog it. Consequently, your system runs constantly to draw more air.

Besides making your system overwork, a clogged air filter also results in hot and cold spots in your home. Have your filter changed every 60-90 days to improve indoor air quality and allow your system to regulate indoor temperatures efficiently.

Undersized Heat Pump

An undersized heat pump lacks sufficient capacity to satisfy your home’s cooling and heating loads. Therefore, it never stops running because it doesn’t achieve the temperature you requested on the thermostat. You would need to replace it with a system size that correctly matches your home’s HVAC needs.

A system that runs nonstop experiences more breakdowns and a shorter lifespan. Call Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning today for professional heating repair services in Summerlin, NV.

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