AC Thermostat

4 Bad AC Habits That Are Costing You Money

July 5, 2022

North Las Vegas, NV, has a dry climate with low humidity but high temperatures. It’s almost impossible to feel comfortable without an air conditioner, but running it may cost more money than you thought. Take a look at some of the bad AC habits you and your family may have that increase your cooling costs.

Choosing the Wrong One

No matter what type of AC system you install, you risk choosing the wrong one when you don’t get help. If your air conditioner is too large or small for your home, it won’t run efficiently and can cause your power bill to rise. AC installation professionals can help you choose the right-size air conditioner for your house.

Running the Air Conditioner When No One is Home

Though you probably want to feel comfortable when you get home, you shouldn’t keep your AC system running when no one is there. A smart thermostat lets you set a higher temperature during the day and drop it right before you get home. You can also keep your home at a higher but still comfortable temperature throughout the day and adjust it when you arrive. For every degree above 78 that you keep for eight hours per day, you can save as much as 3 percent on your cooling bill.

Ignoring the AC Filter

Some people think they only need to change their air filters once a year. Sadly, that’s not the case. With the dust, debris and allergens that daily life can bring, you actually need to change it more often. Change your air filter at least once every 30-90 days.

Opening Your Windows

When the weather is nice in Nevada, you might want to open the windows and enjoy the breeze. If you keep your AC system on, it needs to work harder to compensate for the moisture and warm air that gets inside. Feel free to crack a window, but turn off your air conditioner first.

At Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning, we want to help North Las Vegas residents make their air conditioners run like a dream. Whether you want advice or need to schedule AC repairs for your home, give us a call.

Image provided by iStock

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