
4 Benefits of Upgrading Your Furnace in Summerlin, NV

February 13, 2022

Modern furnaces have various features to enhance safety, comfort and efficiency. If your heating system is approaching the end of its life, consider replacing it. Read on to discover the four benefits of upgrading your furnace in Summerlin, NV.

Boost the Heating System’s Efficiency

Firstly, AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) is a rating that measures the efficiency of your furnace. Older furnace models have a rating of between 56% and 70% AFUE. That means the system wastes 30% to 44% of the energy from the fuel when running.

The most recent models have features to boost performance, such as electronic ignition and exhaust fan controls. A modern system can address energy losses to achieve 90% to 98% AFUE ratings.

Enhance Your Home’s Comfort

A furnace with a low-efficiency rating will strain as it attempts to regulate the room’s temperature. Newer models allow for consistent airflow through features such as a variable speed motor. The improvements in airflow facilitate air filtration, enhancing your home’s indoor air quality.

Thanks to their heightened performance, new furnace models run more quietly. By upgrading to a new furnace, you don’t have to worry about distractions from the old system’s noisy operation. As a result, you’ll enjoy peace of mind and better sleep.

Reduce the Frequency of Repairs

New furnaces will often include precise computer board controls to manage temperature regulation efficiently. Such features ensure that the system only runs when necessary. As a result, it deteriorates at a much slower pace than older heating systems.

Improve Safety

Finally, upgrading your furnace allows you to take advantage of safety improvements in new models. The features include sealed combustion to minimize the risk of exhaust fumes escaping into the room. The heat exchanger is more robust and less likely to crack and release toxic gases.

Before upgrading your furnace, you should address insulation and air leaks within the building. A service technician can pinpoint areas of your home that need improvements. Contact our team at Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning for exceptional heating installation services in Summerlin.

Image provided by iStock

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