indoor air quality

3 Ways Poor Indoor Air Quality Affects Your Health

May 19, 2020

When you think of pollution and air quality, chances are you consider smog and other outdoor air problems. However, the quality of the air in your North Las Vegas home could have an even bigger impact on your health. Here are three ways poor indoor air quality affects your health and some tips on what you can do about it.

Neurological and Sensory Issues

Many people will have an immediate response to air quality problems. Some of the short-term symptoms of poor indoor air include irritation to the eyes, nose and throat. You may notice itchy skin or an irritated scalp. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, neurological problems, including headaches, dizziness and fatigue, are also associated with air quality problems, .

Worse Allergy and Asthma Symptoms

Pet dander and dust are major contributors to low air quality in homes. They are also significant triggers for allergy and asthma symptoms. Secondhand smoke, fireplaces, wood stoves and high indoor humidity also contribute to air quality problems. Asthma attacks and flare-ups of symptoms can be triggered by unhealthy indoor air. Some people may develop chronic inflammation of their lungs if nothing is done to solve the air quality issue.

Increase in Infections and Chronic Diseases

Poor air quality in homes increases a person’s risk of catching colds, influenza and other respiratory illnesses. According to the National Environmental Education Foundation, long-term exposure to unhealthy indoor air can lead to chronic conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, heart disease and cancer. Radon and lead, which also contribute to low indoor air quality, are leading causes of lung cancer and other forms of cancer in non-smokers. Indoor air quality services, including installation of air filters, air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and radon abatement systems, can lower these risks.

For additional tips about how poor indoor air quality affects your health and well-being, call Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning today.

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